Topics Started by Rod P
by vitty inwhen you were still in the org, did you ever wonder what the apostates were saying?
the society would just say lies and half truths.i always assumed it was about the trinity, and other religious stuff.
i thought they were exjws who had become born agains !.
2 dates & the coversations revolved around sex
by LouBelle inso i go out with this one guy.
i've known him for a while & needed a partner for a wedding and asked him.
i then asked him to go with me to an anniversary party.
credit bureau questions, canada
by orbison11 ingreets all.
i heard that after 7 yrs, anything bad on credit report is removed, even if not filed for bankruptcy,,,.
any ever heard of this?
Matthew 24:14 and Preaching in the First Century
by Leolaia inthe eschatological discourse in matthew 24 (derived from mark 13 and paralleled in luke 21) concerns the destruction of jerusalem and what was to shortly follow it.
mark presents both the jerusalem invasion and the coming of the son of man in judgment as closely connected, which reflects the time when the gospel was likely written (i.e.
shortly before or after ad 70).
Did you ever witness someone being escorted out of the KH?
by JH indid it ever happen in your congregation that a person was asked to leave?.
i remember about 10 years ago, an elder was giving the sunday talk, and a woman that i never saw before was seated in the front.
she was all alone, and right in the middle of the brothers talk, she raised her hand and started asking questions to the brother about what he just said.
The Skeptic's Worst Nightmare (S)
by Shining One incheck some of this out and you may see why there are two sides to the issues that are portrayed as so one sided here.
you will immediately smell the b.s.
emanating from the skeptic's book of bible stories!
by Mary ini just really need to vent here.........i'm just so f**king tired of never having any extra money!!
all's i do is work to pay god damn bills......i just checked the balance on my chequing acct.
and i've got just under $900.00 to last me three weeks.
New Testament Paradise Earth
by TheListener inone of the things that bothers me is the very little or almost non-existent way the paradise earth is talked about in the new testament.
i've never heard a dub even think about that for one second.. the only occasions i can think of that the dubs use to show the new testament does in fact talk paradise earth is the scripture at matthew 5:5 (about mild tempered ones, or meek inheriting the earth), revelation 21:3,4 (about no more sickness, sorrow, suffering nor death) and jesus on the cross saying that the guy next to him would be with jesus in paradise.. none of these are overly convincing.
why didn't the apostles talk more about the paradise.
Insecure posters
by misguided ini wonder if it's just me, or if other posters are like this.
do any of you start to type a post, then hit the back button, or quit your post because your afraid of saying something stupid or "wrong," or reread some of your previous posts and wonder, what you were thinking when you posted it?.
i find most people on this board more than willing to accept you for whatever you say in a post, but i still frequently shy away from hitting that 'submit post' button.. rose (pushing the submit button before chickening out again)